To recognize the nuances in people's faces. Feelings make us show a wealth of expressions on our faces which some adolescents due to the lack of personal contact do not know how to decipher. The good news is that these abilities were restor as soon as they return to having face-to-face interactions in a normal way. On the other hand thanks to studies by Jean Twenge in the Unit States we know that an excess number of hours spent on screens in.
American adolescents and children is associat with a decr Phone Number List ease in their well-being. and adolescents who spent more hours in electronic entertainment show less curiosity self-control and emotional stability. In addition in the group where electronic screens were us the most the number of cases of anxiety and depression was double. Other authors speak of less language development when children are overexpos.
To screens at an early age lack of attention or less development of social skills. It is also important to take into account the balance between digital leisure and other variables such as sports and physical activity. Thus there are studies carri out in countries such as China Australia and Canada that confirm that the increase in hours in front of screens together with insufficient physical activity can be risk factors that could increase the symptoms of depression.