With little time and no contingency plan, Sphoorti postponed the launch. While not ideal, it did help her realize where she failed: We hugely underestimated the effort required to make the launch successful and didn’t really write down a crisis communication plan for worst-case scenarios. Many things can go wrong on a marketing campaign. When you start a new project, ask yourself: do I have the time, resources, and budget I need to accomplish everything? Then set specific, realistic marketing goals and inform everyone of them.
The biggest lesson I took from this was to set realistic gor BTC Number Data als and hem. Not only for the marketing team, but for every department, vendor, and executive involved. Having a crystal clear vision of what you want to achieve can help hold you and your team accountable within a given time frame. If you aren’t able to reach your goals in the end, that’s OK. The beauty of goal-setting is taking a step back and seeing how or where you can improve next time.
uild customized pages that’ll give them exactly what they’re looking for. 3. Put QA Checks in Place Quality assurance is one step you should never skip, but it’s also the one you’ll be most tempted to skip. Don’t do it. Resist the urge. QA is key for ensuring a high-performing campaign. Put yourself in your visitors’ shoes: how would you feel if you clicked on a link that went to a nonexistent page? Frustrated or annoyed? Definitely.