Determine the budget for website information server costs, maintenance costs, marketing costs, and website update costs. (4) All the company’s departments participate in creating and launching the company’s commercial website, and electronically means that the organization has transformed or was established on an electronic basis, meaning that the organization thinks in an electronic way. (5) Identify technical limitations of browsers (users) and select multimedia that protects sound and images and enables good communication. (6) Initial draft a list of website contents and their relationship to desired clients, then revise these contents as client business increases.
Choose the name of the site, preferably small, symbolic, and expressive for Afghanistan WhatsApp Number ease of trading and browsing. (8) Ensure the accuracy and ease of access to the website’s e-mail links. (9) Choose a website design company that can design websites and provide regular services for them. (10) Website marketing, which is done by advertising the website on other advertising sites locally or on the Internet according to the browser category to be attracted and the market to be penetrated. Areas of electronic marketing: Areas of e-marketing services include: Marketers can rely on the Internet in several areas, including: 1- Selling: Through the Internet, it is possible to build a search engine with the names of potential customers and their demographic.
End sales offers to customers, discuss and resolve their objections, and receive and follow up on their purchase orders. 2- Advertisement: The Internet can be used to advertise an organization, to advertise its products. 3- New products: The Internet can be relied upon to receive new product ideas from various sources, customers, suppliers, and inventors, hold new product meetings, obtain publicly available data and statistics, and enable marketing departments to conduct economic research on new products, and test marketing-advised mixtures before general marketing. 4- Product policies: The necessary data can be obtained online to make adjustments to packaging, packaging, names, marks, services and guarantees and evaluate them in preparation for making appropriate decisions regarding them.