Have you ever heard of ISBN? Independent writers and content producers should already be used to these 4 letters. Even researchers, who frequently use the ISBN when they need to add publications to their Lattes CV . However, if this is your first contact with the identifier, I propose the following: pick up any book, the one that is closest to you. Now, on one of the first pages, look for your catalog card. It is there that you will find the ISBN, a set of 10 or 13 numbers, which individualizes works and publications. Finding it and viewing it “in real life” makes our understanding of the identifier much easier. Where to find the ISBN on the book? ISBN in the catalog form Another way, even easier, is to access the barcode of this same book, available on the back cover. It is also accompanied by the publication's ISBN number. Where is the ISBN? ISBN on the back cover of the book But what is the ISBN for? What does ISBN mean? Is it mandatory? Which works are numbered? Which ones don't receive it? How to get it? Don't worry.
We will answer all these doubts in this Definitive Guide about ISBN ISBN, what is it? ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number. Translating into Portuguese, International Standard Book Number. Basically, it is a numbering that identifies and individualizes books and other publications according to author, country, publisher and edition number. It works like an ID. This means that each publication has its own ISBN. Works with Brazil Phone Number Data the ISBN numerical series are all cataloged and included in a system recognized internationally by more than 200 countries! This only makes it easier to share information about works in different systems around the planet. Due to its international operations, the ISBN is controlled by an International Agency, which delegates functions to national agencies. In Brazil, the agency responsible for issuing ISBNs, since 2020, is the Brazilian Book Chamber (CBL). Previously, this role was the responsibility of the National Library.
Structure of the International Standard Book Number It is important to know that, currently, the International Standard Book Number is made up of 13 numbers. But the structure of the ISBN was not always like this. Until 2007, works were registered with just 10 digits. However, the generated volume of identifiers was so large that it was necessary to add the prefix 978 to the new codes. Therefore, it is very likely that, in more recent books, for example, you will always find an ISBN that starts with 978. Now, if someone refers to ISBN 10, you already know: they are those with 10 digits. ISBN 13 is the newest, with 13 digits. To make it easier to visualize: the Annals of the UNIVASF Teaching, Research and Extension Week , for example, were published in 2020 and have the ISBN number sbn structure But what, in fact, does this set of numbers represent? The ISBN structure is made up of 5 elements. Let’s take as an example the code from the Annals of UNIVASF: 978 = It is the GTIN code. These first three digits determine the publication's barcode, known as the European Article Number or, in Portuguese, European Article Number.