All new students are concerned about how the session at the university is going. Those who entered the university after studying at a college or technical school have a rough idea of how to pass exams. And yesterday's schoolchildren are more prepared for testing and other types of written knowledge assessment. That is why the first session can be a serious cause for stress.
The fact is that exams are often taken either orally or in oral and written format. And in any case, students have to communicate with the teacher one way or another, argue their point of view and convince that the educational material has been fully mastered.
There are winter and summer sessions. The first usually takes place in January-February, and the second in June. A week before the end of the semester, there is a test week - this is the time when students pass tests, close their academic "tails" and get admission to the session. After passing all the exams, they can go on vacation - a time completely free from studying. All universities provide additional days for retakes, which are noted in the general schedule of tests and exams. So do not worry if you failed a particular subject the first time - you will have a chance to retake it. In this case, there are only two disadvantages - there is a risk of losing a scholarship and there will be a little less time for rest (compared to those who closed the session the first time).
The way a session is conducted at a university is determined by the curriculum. Based on the specifics of the subject taught, the teaching staff decides on testing, solving problems, oral knowledge testing, etc. In some cases, they may also allow taking the session remotely. This approach was especially popular during the pandemic. And some technologies used during that period are gradually being introduced into the usual learning process. For example, learning platforms were created that allow students to test their knowledge online. Some universities still use them today.
With the Anti-antiplagiat.rf service, you can simplify the mobile app development service process of passing the session. The service's specialists are always ready to help with solving a wide variety of educational tasks. The site offers a service for increasing uniqueness by encoding and author's rewriting. In the first case, you can achieve maximum effect without changing the text of the work itself. And in the second, your text will be manually rephrased by professional rewriters.
Thanks to the service, you can now easily get a report from the specialized Antiplagiat VUZ system. In addition, the site also offers checks in other, most diverse programs. And even the difficulties associated with formatting a text according to GOST are no longer a problem - just entrust this task to professionals!
02 What is the difference between a test and an exam?
how to prepare for a session
It is useful to know how a test differs from an exam, because this way you can make your preparation for the knowledge test more effective. Many people are sure that tests are not as important as exams. In fact, this is not true, because in most cases it is impossible to be admitted to the session without passing all the tests.
Usually, it is a little easier to get a credit, since they are often given either “automatically” or through small written tests – tests, reports, etc. So it does not take much time and students usually complete all subjects in one credit week.
At the same time, there are more requirements for students during the exam - teachers question each student in turn. That is, such a check of the mastered material is most often oral, but it can be supplemented by solving problems, tests, etc., depending on the subject being taken. In addition, getting an automatic grade is especially difficult - not all teachers give positive grades without attending the exam, even if the student has been active throughout the semester. We talked about how to increase the chances of getting a good grade without passing the session in our article " How to get an automatic grade for an exam "
So, what is the difference between a credit and an exam – the degree of difficulty in obtaining a positive result. Credits are usually easier to obtain than exams. In addition, even with minimal knowledge, you can achieve a “pass” mark. While the exam is differentiated – there is still a difference between “satisfactory” and “excellent”.